Trick To Change Your Computer processor Name And Speed.
This short tutorial will teach you how to change your computer's processor's name. For example, before my computer's processor's name was displayed as intel(R) Core(TM)i5-2400CPU @ 3.1GHz. After the simple hack I have changed the name to i7 @ 2.80GHZ. The processors new hacked name doesn't have to be a name of a real processor you can name it anything that you want.
To Change Your Processor Name And Speed, Follow These Below Steps:
1) First go to run and type regedit.
2) Then go to “ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ”.
3) Now go to “ Hardware ”.
4) Then go to “ Description ”.
5) Now go to “ System ” and then go to “ CentralProcessor ”.
6) Now go to “ 0 ”.
7) Then go to “ ProcessorNameString ”.
8) Change the value data to anything that you want for example,(Intel core i7 Extreme 965 @ 7.99GHZ)
9) Now restart your computer.
Trick To Change Your Computer processor Name And Speed.
Reviewed by Anonymous
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