Earn Money Playing Games On Facebook Free.

Now a day so many game lovers spend lot of time in playing games on facebook and sometime they might think they are actually wasting time to play games on facebook and think it's better to play games on facebook and earn some money. Now there are opportunities to earn some decent money to play games on facebook. Play facebook games like Farmville, Yoville, Farm Town, bejeweled etc to earn money from facebook.
How to earn money playing games on facebook?
Below is the list of some games where you can earn money playing games on facebook.
1) Farmville = FarmVille is the one of the most popular online games. Participants farm by raising crops and animals and earn money by both. They can then purchase buildings and decorations.
Invite your friends to be your neighbors on FarmVille game. The more neighbors you have the more opportunities to help them each day $20 each time and the more free gifts you will receive. The most profitable tree to receive is the pomegranate earning you $108 with each harvest. The most profitable animal is the rabbit, earning $60 per collection.
2) YoVille = YoVille is a massive online social multiplayer game. In this game you can earn money to furnish your apartment buy a home and customize your avatar.
YoVille is a similar to Sim City game you create your character and virtual home. Then you need to develop him, go to job and make money. Besides this game offers many interesting mini games and events that you can experience together with your friends.
3) Farm Town = Farm Town lets you earn money by playing. To earn money you must have to take care of your farm like a pet and look after the crops every day and Farm Town lets you buy gifts, new seeds, a rake and water with your money so harvesting is crucial to making your farm successful.
4) Yoo-Mee = Yoo-Mee is a new social gaming platform that introduces the ability to win real money and prizes. By enabling users to play cash tournaments and one-on-one challenges. Players have the ability to win Gold, which is measured in real dollars and can be cashed out at any time. The concept of virtual currencies which can be cashed out has not been done yet by the many virtual currencies available on facebook.
5) Friends For Sell = Friends for sale is very interesting game where you can able buy and sell your friends as pets and make them do different jobs and earn money.
Earn Money Playing Games On Facebook Free.
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